Thursday 1 October 2015

Pregnancy precautions of first month

Every pregnant woman should maintain Calendar. This calendar helps to keep a record of important dates and events during your pregnancy and you may like to keep it as a memento of your pregnancy to be shared with your baby when they grow up. The calendar also contains useful information to help you have a healthy pregnancy.

Now is a good time to think about what will happen when your baby is born. How you choose to feed your baby is a very important decision which can affect your child’s health for years to come. If your baby could choose, they would want to be breastfed.

According to World Health Organization and the Department of Health and Children recommend that mothers breastfeed their babies, with no other food or drinks, for the first six months. After that, you can combine breastfeeding with healthy foods for your baby.

Pregnancy first month: 

During the first month, your baby’s head, brain, spinal cord, lungs and heart begin to form.

You may suffer from morning sickness (nausea and vomiting) due to hormonal changes in the early months. Despite its name, this can happen at any time of the day or night. If you do suffer from morning sickness,

·         Avoid cooking smells
·         Get as much fresh air as possible
·         Drink plenty of water
·         Eat small meals frequently (every 2-3 hours) rather than two or three larger ones.
·         Avoid fatty or spicy foods
·         Eat a dry cracker, plain biscuit or a slice of toast in the morning before you get out of bed.
·         Take Folic acid (400 micro grams) every day.

Morning sickness usually improves after 16 weeks.  

Eating for two?

You should eat a balanced healthy diet, for your own health as well as your baby’s growth and development. You don’t need to ‘eat for two’ but it is important to eat enough of the right foods. Use the Healthy Eating for Pregnancy booklet to plan a healthy diet.

Pregnancy precautions of First month:

  •   Do not contact with pets, especially cats and reptiles
  •   Avoid X-Rays and microwave.
  •   Fumes from paint, thinner etc. should be avoided.
  •   Do not take long hot baths.
  •   Cut out alcohol altogether while you are pregnant.
  •  Stop cigarette smoking, Cigarette smoke releases dangerous chemicals into your blood which pass on to your baby. 

Follow the above information on first month of pregnancy..........

Thanks for reading.........

Reference from


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